मैं 2012 में इलाहाबाद गया तो शैक्षणिक दुर्गति देख बहुत कष्ट हुआ और फेसबुक पर सक्रिय बहुत से लोगों की अपढ़ जहालत देख और भी कष्ट होता है, कई तो जहालत की सारी हदें पार कर किसी भी बात पर वामपंथ-वामपंथ अभुआने लगते हैं, उन्हें किसी ओझा-सोखा के पास जाना चाहिए क्योंकि वामपंथ का भूत बहुत जंडैल होता है, मुश्किल से छोड़ता है. बंद दिमाग मोदी-भक्तों से विमर्श का प्रयास भैंस के आगे बीन बजाने जैसा है. मोदी-भक्तों को, उस हत्या-बलात्कार के आयोजक को युगद्रष्टा साबित करने वाला उसका एक वाक्य या वाकया उद्धृत करने की चुनौती के साथ इस मंच पर विमर्श से विदा लेता हूँ क्योंकि समय की बर्बादी और अनजान ज्ञानियों से बेवजह कटुता का कोई मतलब नहीं है. अलविदा.
Diksha Mishra Problem is not of reservation but of selling out the national assets to corporate and privatized firms do not follow reservation. In our country there has been 100% reservation for male Dvij, women and lower classes/castes have been prohibited from education. Manusmriti says that if a Shudra or a woman is found listening to the Veda even by mistake, molten lead should be poured into their ears. The reservation is only partial correction of centuries old deprivation. With reservation being implemented the state of affairs in universities is changing for the better. When we studied in AU number of girl students would not be more than 10% in Science faculty. Last year it was really pleasure seeing so many girls with confident faces on their scooties and bikes. The number of Dalit students was still more miserable. Things are changing and the day is not far away when there would be no need of reservation. This year in admissions in the university/colleges the diference of percentage b/w reserved and general categories has been nominal. JNU gives 5 points to girls and male students complain about that. This is affirmative action to bring into the mainstream the deprived sections. In order to have a reasonable and objective understanding one has to rise above the self interst.
जी एक कुलीन ब्राह्मण संसकारों से नास्तिकता तक की यात्रा बदलाव के ही परिणाम हैं और बदलाव फ्रकृति का नायम है. लगभग 2500 साल पहले हेराक्लिटस ने कहा था .. the only constant is the change itself. लेकिन बदलाव की दिशा अग्रगामी ही होनी चाहिए. इतिहास की गाड़ी में बैक गीयर नहीं होता. यह पोस्ट उनकेलिए थी दो किसी भी मुद्दे पर बात हो रही हो, मुद्दे पर न बोलकर निराधार कुतर्कपूर्ण निजी आक्षेप पर आ जाते हैं और मेरे साथ वामपंथ पर ऊल-जलूल बकवास करते हैं, उन्हें यही बताता हूं , भाई पढ़लिख कर गाली दो. कभी कभी उन्हीं की भाषा में जवाब देकर अपने ही ऊपर अफसोस होता है. निश्चित ही आप और एक शुक्ल जी (जिन्हें बलॉक कर दिया) के कमेंट निहायत निजी और unwarranted indecent हैं. अब indecent उतना बुरा नहीं लगता जितना बेहूदा. मैं तो एक प्रामाणिक नास्तिक हूं, अवतार और मशीहाई में यकीन नहीं करता.
Bharat Singh Bodoland issue is quite different. I have been to Bodoland and oppression of Bodo people is at the hands of Indin security forces. There are few Bodo villages where most of the men have been exterminated. Owaisi-Bukhari and Bhagvat-Asharam are 2 sides of the same coin. Hindu and Muslim fundamentalism are twins born of the womb of imperialist capitalism both are enemies of humanity and composite culture. The fundamentalists of Kashmir are as much responsible for the plight of Kashmiri Pandits as Jagmohan and RSS. This is disruptionist tactics to mix up the issues and overt justification of inhuman communal crime. Discuss those issues separately. This is a story of the plight of one family that has been now almost displaced for ever. There have been more horrifying stories of minor girls being raped before their mother and mothers being raped before her children. Just think if these girls/women were from your family would you still show the same desensitized? When ever one talks about such dastardly crimes people would immediately justify by quoting other equally dastardly communal crimes and covertly-overtly justify them. Wahabis and Talibans in Pakistan are doing the same against the Muslims who do not agree with them in the same way as communal rascals become intolerant on fb against any anti- communal conversation. Your comment is effectively justification of all communal crimes, may be inadvertently. If Ish Mishra kills a Rajput in Delhi, would you go on killing and raping any and every Brahmin you can in Allahabad?
अग्रज, प्रणाम. इस पोस्ट का मक्सद स्वस्थ समाज को नष्ट करने की प्रक्रिया की तरफ ध्यानाकर्षण है जिससे उसे रोकने का उपक्रम किया जा सके, हम अपने अंदर के उंमादी हिंदू या मुसलमान को मार कर इंसान बन सकें. मुज़फ्फरनगर की हैवानियत चुनावी फायदे के लिए गुजरात दुहराने के उपक्रम का प्रसास है जिसका नारा भाजपा को लंपट सांसद महंत अवैधनाथ कई सालों से दुहरा रहा है. पहले चिल्लाता था, "फैज़ाबाद शुरुआत करेगा, यूपी अब गुजरात बनेगा " फिर फैज़ाबाद की जगह आजमगढ़ कर दिया और अंततः मुज़फ्परनगर में नारा कामयाब हो गया जिसके लिए जितना जिम्मेदार संघ परिवार है उतना ही मुलायम परिवार. अनायास ही नहीं हत्या-बलात्कार का नेतृत्व करने वाला जमानत पर रिहा अमित शाह उ.प्र. का चुनाव प्रभारी बना है जिसकी और हैवानियत के सरदार उसक आका के लिए सबसे सुरक्षित जगह जेल है. लेकिन मुझे उ.प्र. के आवाम पर यकीन है कि यह गुजरात नहीं बन सकता. आइए हम सब मिलकर प्रयास करें कि गुजरात की हैवानियत दुहराई न जा सके और आतताइयों के मंसूबों को ध्वस्त करें.
I condemn all the communal violence. I will get scanned and post a paper of mine published in New Left Review in 1987, "Woman's question in Communal Ideologies: A Study into Ideologies of RSS and Jamat-e-Islami" in which I have concluded that both have not similar but congruent views on all major socio-economic issues. But referring to other issues while discussing one covertly, may be inadvertently provides a justification of the former. I have always maintained that all kinds of fundamentalism reinforce each other and during the freedom struggle Hindu and Muslim both communal ideologies directly/indirectly played the role of agents of colonial rule. I again repeat that the contradiction of Bodos is not communal but ethnic and many stories coming out of there are based on rumors. Right now a Bodo student is sitting here in my study. All the communal violence is equally condemnable but at the moment here its the RSS's fascist communalism which is posing the danger. When I condemn a communalism iyts not the community as majority of all communities are non-communal. Its not me but you are diverting the issue by mixing many things with it.
I have always maintained that Muslim communalism and Hindu communalism are twins both are equally dangerous and become self-claimed champions of the community without any referendum to become their spokesperson. This is also true that minorities in Pakistan are still facing communal onslaught and nature of Talibanism there is fascist. The danger of fascism comes from majority communalism. Facts cant be ignored but there is no value free fact all are value loaded. In Pakistan the Taliban poses the danger of fascism and democratic minded people are fighting against it there, in India RSS communalism poses the the danger of fascism and we must fight against that here. I again repeat it is not the community that is communal and so vast majority cant be bracketed in any uniform category. If 2 brothers cant be alike how can there be any homogeneous category of crores of people. The Hindus, the Muslims, the Biharis, the Jats..... all are imaginary communities.
This story is by a Gandhian Himanshu Kumar. Most of reactions here are reactions from Hindus or Muslims not humans. Those Hindus or Muslims remain uneducated duffers who cant transcend their identity emanating from their biological accident of birth. I agree with Vibha Pandey that people do not fight among themselves but it is the communal rascals who arouse them for their vested interests. I have always maintained that hindu and Muslim communal both are twins -- the bastard children of capitalism that seeks to overplay the superfluous religious contradictions to blunt the real and major contradictions -the contradiction between people at large and the imperialist global capital. SANGHIS and JAMATIS are rascals of the same category -- THE ENEMIES OF HUMANITY.
Diksha Mishra Problem is not of reservation but of selling out the national assets to corporate and privatized firms do not follow reservation. In our country there has been 100% reservation for male Dvij, women and lower classes/castes have been prohibited from education. Manusmriti says that if a Shudra or a woman is found listening to the Veda even by mistake, molten lead should be poured into their ears. The reservation is only partial correction of centuries old deprivation. With reservation being implemented the state of affairs in universities is changing for the better. When we studied in AU number of girl students would not be more than 10% in Science faculty. Last year it was really pleasure seeing so many girls with confident faces on their scooties and bikes. The number of Dalit students was still more miserable. Things are changing and the day is not far away when there would be no need of reservation. This year in admissions in the university/colleges the diference of percentage b/w reserved and general categories has been nominal. JNU gives 5 points to girls and male students complain about that. This is affirmative action to bring into the mainstream the deprived sections. In order to have a reasonable and objective understanding one has to rise above the self interst.
जी एक कुलीन ब्राह्मण संसकारों से नास्तिकता तक की यात्रा बदलाव के ही परिणाम हैं और बदलाव फ्रकृति का नायम है. लगभग 2500 साल पहले हेराक्लिटस ने कहा था .. the only constant is the change itself. लेकिन बदलाव की दिशा अग्रगामी ही होनी चाहिए. इतिहास की गाड़ी में बैक गीयर नहीं होता. यह पोस्ट उनकेलिए थी दो किसी भी मुद्दे पर बात हो रही हो, मुद्दे पर न बोलकर निराधार कुतर्कपूर्ण निजी आक्षेप पर आ जाते हैं और मेरे साथ वामपंथ पर ऊल-जलूल बकवास करते हैं, उन्हें यही बताता हूं , भाई पढ़लिख कर गाली दो. कभी कभी उन्हीं की भाषा में जवाब देकर अपने ही ऊपर अफसोस होता है. निश्चित ही आप और एक शुक्ल जी (जिन्हें बलॉक कर दिया) के कमेंट निहायत निजी और unwarranted indecent हैं. अब indecent उतना बुरा नहीं लगता जितना बेहूदा. मैं तो एक प्रामाणिक नास्तिक हूं, अवतार और मशीहाई में यकीन नहीं करता.
Bharat Singh Bodoland issue is quite different. I have been to Bodoland and oppression of Bodo people is at the hands of Indin security forces. There are few Bodo villages where most of the men have been exterminated. Owaisi-Bukhari and Bhagvat-Asharam are 2 sides of the same coin. Hindu and Muslim fundamentalism are twins born of the womb of imperialist capitalism both are enemies of humanity and composite culture. The fundamentalists of Kashmir are as much responsible for the plight of Kashmiri Pandits as Jagmohan and RSS. This is disruptionist tactics to mix up the issues and overt justification of inhuman communal crime. Discuss those issues separately. This is a story of the plight of one family that has been now almost displaced for ever. There have been more horrifying stories of minor girls being raped before their mother and mothers being raped before her children. Just think if these girls/women were from your family would you still show the same desensitized? When ever one talks about such dastardly crimes people would immediately justify by quoting other equally dastardly communal crimes and covertly-overtly justify them. Wahabis and Talibans in Pakistan are doing the same against the Muslims who do not agree with them in the same way as communal rascals become intolerant on fb against any anti- communal conversation. Your comment is effectively justification of all communal crimes, may be inadvertently. If Ish Mishra kills a Rajput in Delhi, would you go on killing and raping any and every Brahmin you can in Allahabad?
अग्रज, प्रणाम. इस पोस्ट का मक्सद स्वस्थ समाज को नष्ट करने की प्रक्रिया की तरफ ध्यानाकर्षण है जिससे उसे रोकने का उपक्रम किया जा सके, हम अपने अंदर के उंमादी हिंदू या मुसलमान को मार कर इंसान बन सकें. मुज़फ्फरनगर की हैवानियत चुनावी फायदे के लिए गुजरात दुहराने के उपक्रम का प्रसास है जिसका नारा भाजपा को लंपट सांसद महंत अवैधनाथ कई सालों से दुहरा रहा है. पहले चिल्लाता था, "फैज़ाबाद शुरुआत करेगा, यूपी अब गुजरात बनेगा " फिर फैज़ाबाद की जगह आजमगढ़ कर दिया और अंततः मुज़फ्परनगर में नारा कामयाब हो गया जिसके लिए जितना जिम्मेदार संघ परिवार है उतना ही मुलायम परिवार. अनायास ही नहीं हत्या-बलात्कार का नेतृत्व करने वाला जमानत पर रिहा अमित शाह उ.प्र. का चुनाव प्रभारी बना है जिसकी और हैवानियत के सरदार उसक आका के लिए सबसे सुरक्षित जगह जेल है. लेकिन मुझे उ.प्र. के आवाम पर यकीन है कि यह गुजरात नहीं बन सकता. आइए हम सब मिलकर प्रयास करें कि गुजरात की हैवानियत दुहराई न जा सके और आतताइयों के मंसूबों को ध्वस्त करें.
I condemn all the communal violence. I will get scanned and post a paper of mine published in New Left Review in 1987, "Woman's question in Communal Ideologies: A Study into Ideologies of RSS and Jamat-e-Islami" in which I have concluded that both have not similar but congruent views on all major socio-economic issues. But referring to other issues while discussing one covertly, may be inadvertently provides a justification of the former. I have always maintained that all kinds of fundamentalism reinforce each other and during the freedom struggle Hindu and Muslim both communal ideologies directly/indirectly played the role of agents of colonial rule. I again repeat that the contradiction of Bodos is not communal but ethnic and many stories coming out of there are based on rumors. Right now a Bodo student is sitting here in my study. All the communal violence is equally condemnable but at the moment here its the RSS's fascist communalism which is posing the danger. When I condemn a communalism iyts not the community as majority of all communities are non-communal. Its not me but you are diverting the issue by mixing many things with it.
I have always maintained that Muslim communalism and Hindu communalism are twins both are equally dangerous and become self-claimed champions of the community without any referendum to become their spokesperson. This is also true that minorities in Pakistan are still facing communal onslaught and nature of Talibanism there is fascist. The danger of fascism comes from majority communalism. Facts cant be ignored but there is no value free fact all are value loaded. In Pakistan the Taliban poses the danger of fascism and democratic minded people are fighting against it there, in India RSS communalism poses the the danger of fascism and we must fight against that here. I again repeat it is not the community that is communal and so vast majority cant be bracketed in any uniform category. If 2 brothers cant be alike how can there be any homogeneous category of crores of people. The Hindus, the Muslims, the Biharis, the Jats..... all are imaginary communities.
This story is by a Gandhian Himanshu Kumar. Most of reactions here are reactions from Hindus or Muslims not humans. Those Hindus or Muslims remain uneducated duffers who cant transcend their identity emanating from their biological accident of birth. I agree with Vibha Pandey that people do not fight among themselves but it is the communal rascals who arouse them for their vested interests. I have always maintained that hindu and Muslim communal both are twins -- the bastard children of capitalism that seeks to overplay the superfluous religious contradictions to blunt the real and major contradictions -the contradiction between people at large and the imperialist global capital. SANGHIS and JAMATIS are rascals of the same category -- THE ENEMIES OF HUMANITY.
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