Saturday, December 28, 2013

International Proletariat 45

The earth has enough for everyone's needs but not for corporate greed. Time has come for  workers of the world to unite to break the shackles of imperialist corporate capitalism under US leadership and crony capitalism in so-called developing countries. All the wage earners including highly paid executives(now 99%) are class in itself  vis-a-vis capitalist  by definition but they remain a lump mof mass as long as they do not acquire class-consciousness and organize themselves into class for themselves. The link between class in itself and for itself is the level of consciousness that is shaped by the ideological hegemony as as Max wrote that the ruling class ideas are ruling ideas also. The intellectuals have the great role in contributing their bit in the transition from class-in-itself to class-for-itself. Modern ruling classes "democratize"  some of the ruling class privileges and delegate to higher echelons of the workers and create a middle class with vested  interests linked with the system who harbor the illusion of being part of the ruling class. They are the "lumpen bourgeoisie" in the extended ambit of Andre Gunder Frank's terminology.


  1. Most of them belong to the category of lumpen proletariat but with them too being targeted, they will realize their working class identity.
