Friday, December 13, 2013

Education and Knowledge 1

 If I find  someone talking most unscientifically, that is basing the arguments on beliefs and conventions, I ask him/her whether he/she is/was from  science discipline? In over 90% cases the answer is affirmative. I don't blame them. This is the tragedy of our education in general, and science education in particular. It was hoped and expected that with the 'Enlightenment' - the scientific revolution following Renaissance in Europe, , the belief based "understanding" shall be replaced by "scientific knowledge" based on facts and logical arguments -- the dialectical unity of matter and their ideas. That did not happen, rather went in the other direction.  The perennial contradiction of knowledge and education  remains a big question and a matter of serious concern for all of us. Let us discourse. 


  1. पढ़ पढ़ कर मूरख हुआ
    इतना हुआ होता गया
    पता तब चला जब सब
    हो गया सब हो गया :(
