Sunday, March 30, 2014

capitalism and corruption

The politicians are just the agents of the ruling classes -- the global, corporate capitalism -- and duality & corruption are not the matters of policy error but immanently innate attribute of the capitalism based on the the Adam Smithian principle of profit maximization that appropriates the power with the slogans of equality fraternity and liberty but its very existence depends   upon the opposite principles. It promises the heaven and plunders the earth.

Capitalism or any epochal ruling classes thrive on creating an unknown, abstract fear of innovation and an unknown newness and selling abstract illusions. The earth has plenty for everyone's needs but not enough for capitalist greed of accumulation. That is why corrupt officials and even professors for that matter (When I zeroed in on my job priority, as we all are condemned to do alienated labor as we get divorced from the means of labor, I thought this job does not have potentialities of corruption but I was wrong) are unfortunate miserable duffers as they are ignorant of the basic principles of the dynamics of capitalism, that in capitalism, only capitalist can accumulate others, howsoever highly paid executive or corrupt politician/official one may be, can be only under the illusion of accumulation. the economic historian Andre Gunder Frank has coined a term for this category of people the "lumpen bourgeois" class.

Thanks Manoj! I really wonder, what knowledge we impart that "cream" of educated sections do not no these basic principles that -- 1. money is means not the end; 2. In capitalism, only capitalist can accumulate, a wage earner howsoever highly paid and/or corrupt executive he/she may be, cant accumulate, can only harbor the illusion of accumulation. Look at the number of the "creams" -- IAS/IPS facing corruption charges who sell theeir conscience for free. 

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