Thursday, November 23, 2017

International Proletariat 64 ( Communist and parliamentarianism)

Stathis Stathopoulos I know that. This was meant to be metaphorical statement that the party has become so insignificant that it no more makes any international news. For historical reasons it is the same with most of the parliamentary CPs world over. In India till 1960s CPI was the main parliamentary opposition with at least 10 times more electoral base than the three parliamentary parties of today as in parliamentarian "revolutionary" faith they ignores the political education and mass movements and eventually they became pure parliamentary parties with no qualitative difference from bourgeois political parties. In one of the Indian states it rule for 32 years and because of unlike a Communist party to use the state machinery for revolutionary consciousness, they became pure parliamentarian parties like others. The others are waging armed struggle without popular support. I shall write a long critique of communist movement in India, in very near future after meeting my writing commitments already committed. I will finish this comment with Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm the advise tom read Marx again to the CPs of the world.

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