Tuesday, December 18, 2012

International Proletariat 13

Race is not an attribute of biology nor is it any eternal idea that has traveled to us through generations. Race is not an idea but like gender, is an ideology that is constructed and reconstructed in our every day life chorus. The first ever great ideologue of race was constructed by the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, the greatest defender of all kinds of inequalities including gender and the fore father of all the subsequent  philosophers of inequalities. He invented the racism to defend the prevailing, inhuman  institution of slavery by dividing the world into Hellenes and barbarians. Aristotle reappeared in the form of US racist historians and intellectuals in 18th century America to recreate the ideology of race to justify the barbaric institution of slavery when the slave labour became the basis of American prosperity that had begun to take shape on the basis of English indentured labour with the same color of skin. During the civil war, both, the supporters and opponents of slavery concurred on the point the Blacks were slaves due to their own deficiencies. Despite the laws, the ideology of race still persists in the US as demonstrated  by Rodney King case in 1992, thew year of  celebration of  500 years of slavery inaugurated by that plunderer Spaniard named Columbus. In US there is beauty competition and there is black beauty competition. 

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