Friday, December 7, 2012

International Proletariat 10

It cant recover rather the US economy (like all the others)  being corporate directed would plunge into more serious crises, according to the laws of the dynamics of the capitalism. it would remain no more the american crisis but global as the capital has become  global in the sense that it is no more geo-centric either in terms of its source or investment or in terms of employment to run it. It can partially recover only if: A. rolls back the de-regularization of economy; B. nationalizes the service sector including education and health makes them state responsibility; C. Stops the business of killing the people from within and without. Look at the amount spent in imperialist wars on the for hegemony and plunder. Bur owing to the laws of the capitalism it cant. And hence the recovery needs a revolution. The earth has enough for everyone's needs but not for anyone's wasteful greed in which money does not remain the means but becomes an end in itself.

@David: de-regularization  is the need of  the accumulation by contemporary global capital as was the regulation and state intervention in the economy was the need to save the capitalism from crumbling down in the general economic crisis of 1930s-40s. In the decolonized countries, the national private capital was negligible and was comprador as a subordinate partner to the imperialist capital. Unlike developed capitalist country's where the issue was saving the capitalism that was on the verge  of crumbling down, in third world countries state intervention and investment (huge public sector and welfare-programs) were the needs of the development of capitalism. Under  the pressure of imperialist international bodies, India's comprador leaders conspired against the people and gifted away people's resources and assets including agricultural lands & water to imperialist global capitalism  and continue doing that. Peoples' resistances are being brutally crushed with the might of state's armed forces, maintained on the money of people. The only answer is an overdue revolution to reverse the equation of 99:1.

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