Thursday, January 31, 2013

International Proletariat 20

These are comments on a post on religion and nationalism

Atheists speak out against religion as it has been the most efficient tool in the hands of ruling classes to maintain and perpetuate the hegemony. We do not seek to abolish the religion but those conditions that necessitate religion for the illusion of happiness. If people get real happiness, they would not need illusion and religion would wither away of its own. We do not criticize religion as such but its application in social division and fundamentalism. In India, if we talk about Hindu Communalism/fundamentalism, it is construed as we are talking against the religion that provides basis for such ideologies.

Hoxa lacked Marxist vision, he should not have banned religious practices but only their unsocial repercussion.  We have no problem if believers can arrive at an agreement on the nature and characteristics of the Super-natural power and stop shedding blood in the name of their varying versions of Him. Maximum bloodshed in the human history have taken place in the name of Religion. After loss of enemy of America in the form of communism, Bush and company invented Islamophobia as the new one and is closely followed by Indian agents of imperialist globalization, the Hindu fundamentalists.

Nationalism is biggest fraud and confusion played on people by modernity. England was a nation and so were the colonists and indentured laborer with the same color of the skin and nationality. No one knows what exactly is nation and anybody can be spokesperson of nation. The other day some one posted that "we (meaning America) have sold jets and missiles  to Muslim Brotherhood Government in Egypt". I asked him does he own an arms factory or Obama and the MIC of USA consulted you on the issue? Can he stop it? Similarly one Indian in Pak-bashing posted that "we" were forced to send army..... and so on. If 11 pepsi selling cricketers loose a match, newspaper will write, "Pakistan has trounced India", these boys become India. This confusion about who is America or who is India are deliberately designed to create confusion and illusion by the ideologues of the modern ruling classes, the capitalism.  

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