Wednesday, September 4, 2013

International Proletariat 42

Till the first quarter of the 18th century, slave labor was being proved to be costlier as the Africans slaves had not yet acclimatized to the new environs and the prosperity in North America  with Virginia boom depended on the indentured labor from England with same color and skin. They were treated not better than slaves and were tortured or starved to death when their freedom would be due. It is by the mid 18th century when the supply from England dried up due to bad news reaching back home and blacks - slaves started living longer the economy began to depend on slave labor.

@Robert Kiehn: Are you US state? Are you MIOC or Obama or CIA? All the bloody XYZ Americans who themselves are fucked by the US state, an agent to serve the global capital controlled by Transnational  Corporate consider themselves the US. US did not enter the war unless it was over and only formalities were left. It was not the US but the USSR that defeated Hitler who lives in US again and again in the form of the imperialistic US state.  US Arms companies were selling arms to both the parties more to Axis. With the decline of British empire quite visible, the US committed the heinous crime of dropping bombs ion Hiroshima and Nagasaki to announce the arrival of a new empire. It is the worst kind of terrorist as it kills maximum number of innocent people including Americans. Drone attacks are cowardice terrorist attacks.No empire has lasted forever, the days of US empire are counted. In 1950s and 60s it killed maimed and tortured millions of its open citizens under the bloody Draconian laws in the name of McCarthyism. Do you remember  the death of Rosenberg couple or who they were? Have you heard of Einstein file? What fate is awaiting Snowden for exposing inhuman conspiracies of CIA?

Terrorism is terrorizing people by killing innocent people at random and the US state has been doing that right from the time of its inception. I did not want the Nazi Japan to win and the US role in the 2nd WW was that of a spectator an d supplier of arms to Nazis it entered the arena when the war was over by dropping atom bombs to announce there  arrival of new empire. Whop told you  that You are America? Can you stop or wage war? you are one of the Snnowdens who can be killed anytime when you  stop getting carried by jingoistic euphoria and becoming a  zealot. The US began its journey by extermination millions of more civilized people and trading into human skins - the slave trade.  Stop being a =war mongering zealot and rise beyond jingoism.

I never called redneck or anything like that, that's not part of my vocabulary. What I  said was that in the sense of killing largest number of innocent people, the US state is the biggest terrorist. That it dripped the nuclear bombs when there was no need of it, taking the world as its fiefdom it make aggression on will? The US imperialism unlike previous imperialism does not only plunder but causes terror by Droning and bombing any par of the geography it wishes to. That is the US imperialism is a terrorist imperialism. The low level of the consciousness among the US working people -- the 99% -- is due to getting a crumb from imperialist plunder and false consciousness of national interest, i.e. the jingoistic nationalism

Who are you?Obama? Get out of the illusion of "we". Who has appointed "you" the watch dog?? Who had authorized the criminal CIA to topple the elected government of Iran and install the obscurantist monarchy there?? Who had toppled the democratically elected government of Alende and instaal a military dictator Pinochet? who conducted the coup against Chavej? Who controls this criminal instigation agency? Mr. America, why democracy means differently for different places and people?? Why  are you persecuting the honest whistle blowers like Assange and Snowden? Why did you kill so many Americans with black skins during the brutal "lynching" movement? Why did you spy upon Einstein and killed the scientists like Rosenberg couple associated with Manhattan project?? Why do you maintain beastly detention camps Mr America! Why are you such an inhuman brute Mr. America!!! KNOW YOU SIZE, don't make statesman of being America, which is just beautiful defiled by warmongering imperialist dogs, Mr. America!. I  am a communist who has no nation.Indian ruling classes are faithful stooges of US imperialism. Workers of the world unite , all of us who do not own our means of labor and have to sell our labor power for survival are workers. I am sure the next and decisive revolutionary changes shall begin from the land of  Americas, it the question of time when the 99% will realize and comprehend the major contradiction b/w the global capital and the people, the humanity as a whole.

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