Sunday, October 6, 2019

Knowledge and Education 42 (Teacher)

A teacher must be tension free, at least from the minimum economic needs for a dignified living, else he would always be worried about supplementary income to run the family. Government school teachers' salaries are still respectable to an extent. "Fair and Lovely" type schools pay very badly to its teachers and big names like DPS appoint a teacher on temporary basis with consolidated salary for 3/4 years. Then they show the 'magnanimity' of regularizing it with an extra increment over Govt. school salary and claim that they pay one increment more than govt schools, while effectively paying 2/3 increments less. Unfortunately education has become one of the most lucrative businesses and this business syndrome is engulfing the higher education too. It is easier to ideologically enslave an uneducated or ill-educated people.

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