Sunday, February 2, 2014

लल्ला पुराण 131 (सीता और शूर्पनखा)

उठो सीता शस्त्र उठाओ कविता पर एक मित्र ने सीता की सू्र्पनखा की पक्षधरता पर सवाल किया, उस पर मेरे 23कमेंट

The envisioned solidarity between Sita and Surpnakha is the solidarity of co-victims as both are victim of the Varnashgram patriarchy. Dominant classes and values always perpetuate all kinds of division and disunity among the dominated om flimsy, artificial grounds. New Sitas and Surpanakhas are able to comprehend the patriarchal designs and foil it.

Yes it is duty of the cronies of the bosses like Laxaman to show the masculinity by chopping of the ear and nose of a hapless women who dared to propose in contrast to the culture of Ram where women have to be won over like any other precious gift by muscle power or war skills.  Surpnakha posed threat to the life of Sita may be  Tulsi's concoction, as untill lions have their own historians, history shall go on glamorizing the hunter. As far as the argueement that she knew that Ram was married does not hold as having more than one wife was not uncommon to the mythological culture of Ram, as his father himself had 3. They were so concerned about Sita that despite her passing Agni Pariksha he kicks her out on some flimsy excuse after impregnating her.    

You did not vread carefully, I have already answered your question. My Sita is a radical feminists and sides with Surpanakha another co-victim of patriarchy as herself. She bridges all the caveats among women created created by the ideological hegemony of patriarchal Varnashram. She breaks that hegemony maintained by myths, taboos and inhibitions.

To be radical is to grasp the root and for a man he himself is the root. Just try that by questioning your acquired moralities without your conscious will, without application of mind (the herd mentaslity) for free in your socialization and replace them with rational one but that needs self-critical application of mind. Though, difficult 9everyone can do easy ones), if you do it, you will become a radical. you are being uncritically judgemental in passing a flat judgement on radicalism, without knowing its abc.


  1. क्या ऐंगल है वाह :)
    कभी इधर भी नजर डालें

  2. कई कविताएं पढ़ गया. सुंदर
