Sunday, October 21, 2012

International Proletariat 3

These are 2 comments on a post about individual right of American to buy and keeps guns.

All the guns and bombs must be destroyed. Tragedy of the scientific inventions from primitive age to the present so-called modern age ha been that its technological use has been first put into the service of  creating weapons of destruction that overshadows its use in the means of construction. All the weapons of mass destruction must be destroyed and diffidence must be replaced by trust in humanity. The biggest war monster USA alone has enough weapons -- nuclear, biological, chemical.... --- to annihilate the universe many times. We do not have guns and do not kill each other. In the last few months alone there have been scores of mindless shootings by frustrated Americans and Canadians taking away innocent lives, including children. The possessive bourgeois man, as wrongly described by the first organic intellectual of bourgeoisie, Thomas Hobbes, as the universal human  characteristic, suffers from sense of diffidence and lives in an imaginary, abstract, constant fear of sudden death. Hobbesian characteristics ate most vividly visible in most developed capitalist country, the USA. Down with the gun tottering, fearful, diffident notion of humanity. Let us build a humanity based on basic humane mutual trust, devoid of fear and diffidence, but the ruling classes to maintain and perpetuate their dominance with the help of high capacity weapons, would not allow it by propagating and practicing Hobbesian ideology about human nature. Peace loving people of the world must unite against the war mongering states not against each other, till they are destroyed, must be turned against our own rulers for creating a beautiful world free from guns and bombs so that each individual is able to realize one's  immense creative potentialities and press them in the service of humanity.

Why do you need weapons of destruction, why would you kill me? Kyle! did you read my comment? The diffident nature of man is not natural but ideologically constructed to maintain and expand  the unjust exploitation and domination of majority by few few. Human nature is naturally of empathy not of killing. Let us restore the original balance of human nature. The cost of gun goes down and that of bread goes up in the war-mongering world. US being the biggest criminal in this realm.

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