Tuesday, October 30, 2012

International proletariat 4

In a fb group with mostly Americans, while discussing the greatness of the US in terms of hiroshimaa nagashaki et al, a member agreed with what all was being said but he loves his country and there is always room for improvements. to that this was my comment.

Yes, there is room for improvement but where is the will? Presidents of the US are like monarchs who can choose his advisers from wherever he wishes to, can squander the national wealth and and youthful energetic human lives in invading any country, they wish to, irrespective of the massive demonstrations and rallies all over the US and the world. They cant do otherwise because they have to create an artificial national enemy in the "American interest"  as they win the elections funded by the corporate and capitalism is system of maximizing the profit therfore the President has to readily submit to the wishes of the global capital and the MIC. (That is true about most of the states. Ruling classes in India and Pakistan thrive on Pak bashing and India bashing respectively and compete in becoming the loyal servant of the gobal capital and the imperialism)

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