Friday, February 8, 2013

International Proletariat 22

The world is beautiful, but its beauty have been made captive of some scoundrels therefore no one should commit suicide but contribute his/her bit in freeing the society and the world so that no one is pushed to the position of ending one's dearest thing, the life. With no value judgement to those having done so, to me suicide is a cowardice escapism from the hard realities of the world. Let us all strive to create a world where no one finds it not worth living; where no one is hungry and where  everyone gets conducive conditions to realize one's creative potentialities. What ever there is in life -- good or bad -- the death is void. Root cause of extreme pessimism that drives one to end the life is the extreme alienation innate in capitalist social relations. Let us endeavor to minimize the alienation and eventually end it by ending the capitalism. Rousseau proved in the 18th century that revolution is not only desirable but possible also. Let us continue contributing our bit to realize the possibility in the 21st century. 

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