Thursday, October 14, 2021

लल्लापुराण 308 (अंग्रेजी)

Some one said that those who have huge libraries and read many books remain ignorant and confused. And when he was told pejoratively about wisdom and clarity of those who have apathy with books!!, his answer was those who don't read books create them. On that --

Have you also created a book without reading books ? Every generation consolidates the contributions and achievements of the previous generations by comprehending about them through books and builds upon them . Though the ratio of the "educated" differs might exceed their uneducated counterparts. The knowledge doesn't come from just learning what is taught but by questioning that and by unlearning many irrationalities acquired without one's conscious will in the process of socialization. Questioning and unlearning are integral part of the knowledge system. Those who don't question but just conform and don't undergo the unlearning process remain duffers despite acquiring high degrees. To question and to rebel is to create and to conform is to stagnate.

इस पर उन्होंने आरोप लगाया कि जवाब नहीं है तो अंग्रेजी में आंए-बांए कर रहा हूं (बाद में लगता है, उन्होंने वह मिटा दिया), उस पर --

आंए-बांए तो अपढ़ अंधभक्त करते हैं हम तो कुंददिमाग अंधभक्तों को इंसान बनाने का अभियान चलाते हैं। कभी-कभी जब घर पर नहीं होता तो फोन पर फेसबुक खोल लेता हूं और मेरे फोन में हिंदी फोंट नहीं है। मुझे लगा इवि से पढ़े लोगों को इतनी अंग्रेजी आती ही होगी! आइंदा से ध्यान रखूंगा कि किताबों से परहेज करने वालों से अंग्रजी न बोलूं।

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