Tuesday, August 20, 2024

FB Intro

 An atheist, feminist and Marxist by conviction with optimistic passion for revolutionary reconstruction of the world free from all kinds of jingoism.

Born in a remote, educationally and politically backward; economically and culturally pre-modern; and socially patriarchal, Varnaashramist feudal pocket of Azamgarh district in the eastern UP in India, was the second of the nine children of my parents, both of whom are no more. I began the the journey of life on zig-zag paths of tension between acquired and the rational moralities due to the innate wont of questioning anything and everything and aiming for the impossible from the early childhood, may be learnt from my mother who never questioned anything and derived happiness in suffering for others. The first causality of my this wont was my antina (Chutia) JANEOO (the sacred thread) -- the symbol of my Brahman caste -- at 13 and within 2 years I overcame the fear of the BHOOT (ghost) with the help of Gods(As a child I used to think that BHAGVAN is just another God like Hanuman; Ram; Shiva..) followed by my overcoming of the fear of the God itself. The process of questioning anything and everything always has the risk of turning into an atheist and by the age of 17, I became an authentic atheist, free from the fears of the BHOOT and the BHAGWAN. At 18 with declaring the financial independence from my farmer father (cash was otherwise also rarity in those days' subsistence rural economy), I learnt to enjoy the pleasure of zero balance life while doing seemingly impossible. In the early 1970s, when the revolution semed round the corner, alongwith millions of young men and women across the globe, dreamt of buliding a beautiful world free from exploitation; starvation; and domination-subjugation -- a world of human emancipation and continuing with that dream, contributing my bit towards it.Rousseau showed us in the 18th century that revolution is not only desirable but possible also. I restate that.

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