Sunday, May 15, 2011


Entries under this titl are posts and comments on JNU forums of FB


I came to JNU in 1976 during the emergency to live underground. Did not know much about the university then except that one of my Allahabad seniors DP Tripathi was there. Came looking for him but he was in Jail and met late Shri GhanashyamMishra and another senior Ramashankar Singh from Allahabad and became his guest. My first interactionbs were with Hindi-urdu people. Mohan Shrotriya, Uday Prakash, Manmohan were already established names in JNU. Sitaram's room no. was 325 Ganga and mine(Ramashankar's) room was 323. To a student coming from a strictly hierarchical place like Allahabad, it was a revelation. The atmosphere of discussion and debate enlivened by wits and humour of Dilip Upadhyay. So i became part of JNU community even before formally joining in 1977. I still remember night long mehfil with Ali Javed singing Mazar and faiz and Ghanshyam Mishra Kalidas. Gorakh's presence in those mehfils around Kasiram's Ganga Dhaba would add fervour to the mehfils. DP tripathi would recite his poems and other good poems. JNU 70s laid the foundation and 8os erected the edifice.


Arun ji, even in our generation, rather in every generation, majority is always of carrierists, with globalization pressure that has intensified. The left has not dithered butr the compsition has changed, in p[lace of SFI/AISF, who generally played the politics of compromise, there are DSU/AISA. In any anti-war; pro-people protests we find majority of the student participants are from JNU. Many people had become leftists in search of a platform and went away in different directions towards from Congress to Paswan to BJP to NCP. In 1990s and the begining of this century, they have been able to keep away eating corporates from the campus. When Chasndra Shekhar was murdered by the RJD goon Sahabuddin, thousands of students marched on the streets of Delhi. In 70s/80s you know the apolitical political education. For the first time when there4 was repressive action like 1983, entire so-called left, barring tiny section of radical left compromised with authorities along with their right counter part FT and social democrates, making Dilip Upadhyay to lament, "French May revolution was a tragedy, ours was not even a farce". The engin og history does not have a back gear, it may zig-zag.

Jalees's expulsion from Jhelum was just one part of the movement in 1983 that was created to divert the issue but the gherao of PN srivastava, then the acting VC was on the issue of the admission policy only. Many people who seemed to be most active in the "mob" were the first to compromise. Arun ji, even in 80s also, we used to take charge of mess and library, but as Atal has said, there was huge force and all the heroes of 70s and early 80s went to their hide-outs (hostel rooms), major (in No.) organisations viz SFI, AISF, FTs compromised with authorities. Bipin Chandra/RR Sharma/........ all were calling the students movement as fascist attack on teachers, great heroes, some of them present in this forum also, would avoid reading posters under fear, in such a situation the authorities were able to declare sine-die and rusticate all those who refused to apologize, the final number was very small, 17-18. Among the second list of apologizers were the President and couple of SFI stalwarts including Jagpal Singh (now a prof in IGNOU) Anwar (then office bearer of JNUSU now prof in CIL, JNU). I have participated in writing best postures of my political life under the unclaimed leadership of Dilip Upadhyay. Shahid Parvez would come up with some beautiful couplets for postures. Normally posturing is done in the night but we decided to do it in the day time so that students do not feel demoralized but under fear many people would avoid reading posters. Some of the self-claimed heroes of this forum were also among them. 'tamaam log" aandolan ke abhaasv" me nahee balki apanee naassamajhee aur kaayarata me "tanha ho gaye". My Ph D was just few months away, I did not appear in the Justice Prithviraj commission thinking that by the time they appoint another commission, i would have submitted my PhD but state can be very efficient if it wishes so. One of the chams of the then VC and would be VC Ashish Dutta's daughter was my student at DPS and great fan of mine and so was Rector's (Agwani's) son. Ashish Dutta came to my room in Ganga and requested me to write a "mild apology" that "I have not done anything but if you still feel so I apologize for that". I told him I am not responsible for your feelings "if you still feel so you must apologize". He told me that no one would come to know about it and I told him that at least 2 of us would be knowing and that his knowing did not matter but if one falls in his own eyes, things become miserable. Instead of apology, I issued a counter show-cause notice to the VC that why action should not be taken against him for spoiling an academic center of excellence. Eventually I was rusticated for 3 years along with Atal, Urmilesh, Arun and Sudhir Gupta. rest in the next post after making tea for my wife, Saroj ji.
1983's memories are infinite. Rajesh Rahul who is most probably no more, as he disappeared some time in 1992-93 and remains untraceable, went to the VC's office and told them that do not issue notices to so many Rahuls and that "in your reccords my name is Rajesh kumar Singh" and thus got show cause notice issued against himself. He wrote a beautiful poem, "JAB CHHOOTATI HAI KOI JAGAH................".

प्यार 1


ईश मिश्र

होते हैं जो रिश्ते जिश्म के जज्बात के
उड जाते हैं वे चक्रवात के आघात से
बनते हैं रिश्ते जो वैचारिक संवाद से
टूट नही सकते कैसे भी कुठाराघात से
जानबूझ कर हार जाना समर्पण का मर्म है
उसको तोडना ही सच्चे प्यार का धर्म है

anna hazare ke bahane


युवा हमेशा अनुभवी नेतृत्व से मार्गदर्शन की अपेक्षा रखते हैं. जयप्रकाश नारायण का स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में क्रांतिकारी योगदान था लेकिन जब 1960 के दशक में दुनिया भर में भ्रष्टाचार और कुशासन के विरुद्ध छात्रों-युवाओं का जान-सैलाब उमड पड़ा था तब स्थापित समाजवादी और कम्युनिस्ट समूह आंदोलन के चरित्र को लेकर बहस करते रहे और तब तक सैलाब थम चुका था. भारत के हताश और निराश वाम-दल अगले सैलाब के इंतज़ार से अधीर होकर चुनाव से समाजवाद लाने का झाँसा देने लगे और उनमें से कई "रैकिंग द सिस्टम फर्म विदिन" के सिद्धांत के तहत काँग्रेस में चले गए और कुछ सोसलिस्ट और कम्युनिस्ट का चोंगा उतारे बिना इंदिरा गाँधी के साथ मिलकर गरीबी हटाने में जुट गए. सीपीआई तो सामाजिक साम्राज्यवाद की वर्चस्ववादी मुहिम में ब्रज्नेव के आदेश से इन्दिरा गाँधी की अपेंडिक्स बन गई. जयप्रकाश की वैज्ञानिक समाजवाद की यात्रा से शुरू हुई यात्रा भूदान के रास्ते आदर्शवादी अमूर्त दलविहीन जनतंत्र की दहलीज़ पर पहुँच कर अप्रासंगिक हो चुकी थी. नक्सलबाड़ी स ए उठी चिनगारी ने एक बार फिर युवा उमंगों को हवा डी और सोस्लिस्तोन-कम्युनिस्तोन समेत सभी इन युवा उमंगों को कुचलने में लग गए. भ्रष्टटाचार के खिलाफ एक बार फिर युवा उमंगों का स्व्स्फूर्त सैलाब उम्दा लेकिन इसके पास ना तो नेतृत्व था ना ही वैचारिक दृष्टि. ऐसे में छात्रों ने जयप्रकाश नारायण को नेतृत्व सौपा और दलविहीन समाजवाद में संघ का संप्रदायवाद समाहित हो गया और जो नेतृत्व उभारा उसे आज सुशील मोदी/नरेंद्र मोदी/लालू/नितीश .......कहते हैं. अण्णा हजारे का मामला अलग है. पहले से ही कोई जंसैलब नहीं उमद रहा बल्कि उनके गाँधीवादी निजी प्रयास से भ्रष्टाचार के विरुद्ध एक जनचेतना बन रही है जिसे दिशा की जरूरत है. अण्णा हजारे के आंदोलन को हम सभी का समर्थन है लेकिन जो ख़ुद भी भ्रष्ट हैं वे भी समर्थन में उतर आए हैं उन्हें रोकना होगा.
@रंजन शर्मा: शिक्षा का जेपी आंदोलन का ज्ञान अनुभव-जन्य ज्ञान नहीं है लेकिन मेरी समझ आंदोलन के एक सक्रिय कार्यकर्त्ता के रुप में है. आप बिलकुल ठीक कहाँ रहे हैं कि 1971 के युद्ध में विजय की तबाही के बाद महगाई और भ्रष्टाचार के मुद्दों पर छात्रों का स्वस्फूर्त आंदोलन शुरु हो गया. गुजरात में होस्टल मेस में भ्रष्टाचार से शुरु हुआ आंदोलन व्यापक होता गया चहु ओर व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार और महँगे से उपजे जन असंतोष को अभिव्यक्ति का माध्यम मिल गया. अण्णा के आंदोलन को भी उसी जन असंतोष के चलते व्यापक समर्थन मिला जिसकी तुलना जेपी आंदोलन से नहीं की जा सकती. मै शिक्षा से सहमत हूँ कि वैचारिक दृष्टि की कमी के ही चलते इतना व्यापक आंदोलन कोई क्रांतिकारी परिवर्तन नहीं ला सका और सांप्रदायिकता को राजनैतिक सम्मान प्रदान किया और इस आंदोलन के जितने नेता जहाँ भी सत्ता में आए उन्होंने इन्दिरा-काल को भी भ्रष्टाचार में पीछे छोड़ दिया. उत्तर प्रदेश में हम लोगों ने छात्र संघों और छात्र संगठनों ने मिलकर एक छात्र महासंघ बनाने की योजना बनाई. इलाहाबाद में महादेवी वर्मा के घर बैठक हुई. जेपी की अध्यक्षता में हुई उस बैठक में राजनारायण भी थे और प्रदेश से बाहर से आए छात्र नेताओं में लालू और मोदी भी थे. संघिओ के दुराग्रह के चलते वैचारिक दृष्टि पर कोई सहमति नहीं बन सकी थी. उसी दिन पुरुशुत्तम दस टंडन पार्क में जेपी की मीटिंग हुई बारिश के बावजूद हजारों लोग सभा समाप्ति तक रुके रहे और जुलूस में शरीक हुए. उसके बाद आपात काल की कहानी और जनता शासन और पतन इतिहास बन चुका है.

और क्रांतिकारी परिवर्तन की अवधारणा वामपंथी ही होती है दक्षिणपंथी परिवर्तन की दिशा फासीवाद की तरफ़ होती है.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


ईश मिश्र
चढ़ता है जुनून संकीर्ण फिरकापरस्ती का
चाहता है वह अंत सामासिक संस्कृति का
नफरत फैलाता है मासूम लोगों के दिलों में
देख धर्मनिरपेक्षता के तर्क घुस जाता है बिलों में
धर्मनिरपेक्षता एक तर्कसंगत विज्ञान है
इंसानियत की एकता का महत सम्मान है
जो मिलजुल कर रहने का सुंदर आख्यान है
पोंगपंथी तिनको के लिए समुद्री तूफान है
इंशानी तारीख की यही तो जान है
तरक्की की राह इसकी अपनी शान है
यह दुनिया को और बदलने का ज्ञान है
इसे जुनून कहना कमीनगी भरा अज्ञान है

Friday, May 13, 2011

जनतंत्र की रानी

जनतंत्र की रानी
ईश मिश्र
आओ बच्चों सुनो कहानी
बात नहीं है अभी पुरानी
इसी देश में एक है रानी
बहुत सयानी; बहुत सयानी
नहीं उसका ये हक खानदानी
वह तो है जनतंत्र की रानी
दलित-चेतना का जब उफान हुआ
इसने अच्छे से पहचान लिया
हो हाथी पर सवार, मनुवाद को ललकारती है
मनुवादिओ के साथ मिल-बाँट मलाई खाती है
जन हित में उसने नहीं बसायाघर-परिवार
फिर भी जोड़े जा रही है संपत्ति अपरम्पार
दावे करती है दलितों की रहनुमाई का
कत्ल करती हैं किसान, ध्यान रखती हैं जेपी की कमाई का
आसमान छूने लगे आँकड़े, दलितों की पिटाई का
जब भी महल से बाहर आती है
आगे-पीछे; दाएँ-बाएँ;
ब्लैक कैट से घिरी रहती है
ऊपर-नीचे; आगे-पीछे; दाएँ-बाएँ;
जिधर भी करती है दृष्टिपात
लगता चल रही है दर्पण लेकर साथ
जनता भी समझने लगी राज़ लोक्तंतंत्र की रानी का
खत्म कर देगी ज़माना राजा-रानी की कहानी का
करेगी वह नए युग की शुरुआत
तब भी नहीं होगी यह बहुत पुरानी बात

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Not so long ago India had a democratic queen
surrounded by the minions and zealots
worshiped by the wretched of the earth as benevolent angel
she promised the sky and took away their earth
to remove the poverty she removed the poor.
when the country needed rapid growth
India became Indira and and vice-versa
charisma begets charisma
the blessing in disguise not from unexpected quarters
but from the crown prince to be elected
lumpens of the country united behind him
like fascist black shirts behind Mussolini
was an Aristotelian without reading him.
ordinary women & men are duffers and buffoons
should be governed in politics and directed in industry
with their consent if possible
without it otherwise.
the leader of the lumpen brigade in the east
was a luminous lady
her name was Mamta Banerjee
much water has flown down Hoogli ever since.
Bengal rejected the lumpen brigade
it wanted a change
brought revolutionaries at the center stage.
they belied the peoples' hopes and expectations.
joined the forces with reactionary groups
pushed into a mess Bengal wants a change again.
as choices of democracy are between the evils
seems condemned to be oppressed by its lumpen tigress
for the next five years
credit goes to the lumpen brigade of the left front.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

happy b'day to karl marx

Happy Birthday to Karl Marx (1818-83)
19th Century witnessed many revolutions in the realm social movements and theories. The ordinary people, the working population, the wretched of the earth [Fanon] who entered in the arena of political theory through Rousseau in the 18th century found a profound spokesperson in the genius of Karl Marx in the 19th century. Marx, as a student of jurisprudence, history and philosophy, at a time when Hegelianism was the dominant paradigm and trend in the academia, turned Hegel’s philosophy of inverted reality upside down and declared, “In practice man must prove the truth”. Thus rejecting the easy way of discovering the truth through myth, revelation and authority based on some obscure God or prophet or Hegel or Marx had made his intentions very clear by charging that “the philosophers have only interpreted the world; the point however is to change it.” The journey of Marx’s this clearly un-Hegelian, activist view of philosophy began with his critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Rights as the subject of his doctoral theses. Unable to find a job in academics, in 1842 he began to prove the truth in practice through his writings, as a journalist of a democratic newspaper in Cologne, Rheinische Zeitung and the paper was suppressed by the Prussian government. Marx moved to Paris, where he came in contact with Proudhon, the leading French socialist intellectual and Bakunin, the Russian anarchist and his country-cousin, Engels who became his life long companion. In 1845, under the pressure of the Prussian government, expelled from Paris, Marx moved to Brussels where he along with Engels authored the Communist Manifesto in 848. In 1849 Marx went to London and lived there till his death in 1883. Marx began his analysis of existing bourgeois social order with Economic and Philosophical Manuscript (EPM) in 1843 carried forward in a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy and took it to a logical conclusion in the 3 volumes of Capital completed in 1867.

Marx was a materialist and an atheist before he systematically began to criticize Hegel’s Philosophy of Rights. He made two opposing liberal streams of liberal philosophy – Feuerbach’s metaphysical materialism and Hegel’s Dialectical idealism -- as his reference point, challenged and transformed them. He challenged and reversed the prevailing notion that men’s consciousness determines material conditions and stated and reversed it. “It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their existence.” [Preface] He began his analysis of Capitalism based on his thesis, “the anatomy of civil society has to be found in political economy.” Pre-Marxian social analysis emphasized the law and the politics. Marx shifted the emphasis to economics and seeks the explanation of historical changes in the economic structure of the society, the basis on which rise political and legal superstructure.
The mode of production of material means of existence conditions the whole process of social, political and intellectual life.
Marx rejects the history of social changes in terms of monarchs, their court ladies and fellow dynasts or in terms of wars and battles. Marx attempts to locate the deeper causes of historical changes beyond the wars and triumphs. Men began to distinguish them self from other animals by producing their own means of subsistence and hence the major cause of historical changes lie in the mode of production.
At a certain stage of their development the material productive forces of society come into with the existing production relationship. Or, what is but a legal expression for these with property relationship in which they have moved before. From forms of development of productive forces, these relationships are transformed into their fetters. Then an epoch of social revolution opens. With the change in the economic foundations, the superstructure is more or less rapidly transformed.

The Communist Manifesto begins by proclaiming, “the history of hitherto societies has been the history of class struggles between the haves and have-nots with irreconcilable antagonistic class interests, as individual does not exist in isolation but as an integral part of a large social aggregate. The epoch of bourgeoisie has simplified the antagonism by “splitting the society into two great hostile camps: bourgeoisie and proletariat”. The law of the social changes from primitive communism to slave system to feudalism and to capitalism led Marx and Engels in the Manifesto to conclude the end of capitalism by more advanced Forces of Production – the Working Class -- for the same historical reasons and its replacement by socialism that will lead to a classless society and the state shall weather away.

Marx’s writings are difficult to be placed in any of the existing disciplines as Marx himself was opposed to compartmentalization of the study of laws of social dynamics as the society is one organic whole. In fact they cover almost all the existing disciplines. Marx is the first social thinker to use the neglected government reports and statistical material I the study of social and economic problems. Marx’s analysis of capitalist system influenced the course of history in such a way that the entire intellectual and political spectrum of the world got split into two broad camps in to Marxist and anti-Marxist camps in the same way as capitalism has split the world into two broad classes with contradictory class interests.

As Marx declared in the Theses on Feuerbach, “Philosophers have interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.” And hence he sought to interpret the world with the aim of changing it. In his interpretation of history, Marx emphasized on the economy -- the mode of production of material means of existence, and sought the explanation of all the major historical events and changes in the economic structure of the society, the basis on which rise political and legal superstructure and conditions the whole process of social, political and intellectual life. Strictly speaking, historical materialism is the application of the method of dialectical materialism to history or the Materialist concept of history and constitutes social-scientific core of Marxist theory of the course of history that seeks ultimate Cause and great moving power of all important historic events in the economic development of the society, in the changes in the mode of production and exchange, in the consequent division of society into distinct classes, and in the struggle of these classes against one another”. [Engels, Socialism: Scientific and Utopian, SW: 394-411]

Historical Materialism, as Marx and Engel’s claim in the German Ideology (1845-46), is the “guiding thread” of all their subsequent studies. It rests not on philosophically derived abstractions or dogmas but on observation and accurate depiction of real conditions that can be verified in purely empirical ways. Economic structure of the society, constituted by its relations and the forces of production, is the real foundation of the society ‘on the basis of which rise a legal and political super structure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness’.[Preface]

The concept of Class and Class struggle is the key to Marxist concept of social change. Marx’s ‘discovery of proletariat’ as ‘the idea in the real itself’, a new political force engaged in a struggle for emancipation, formed the basis for Marxist theory of history and politics. Liberals before him do talk about this conflict but for them it is a ‘problem’ to be solved by good will, reason and reconciliation. For Marx, the conflict is irreconcilable as it is not a ‘problem’ to be solved but a relationship of domination and subjugation to be lessened and ended eventually by the total transformation of the society by ending the conditions, which give rise to it. The antagonists are not the individuals, but the individuals in and through a society, members of a social aggregate, the Class. “Society does not consist of individuals, but expresses the sum of inter-relations, the relations within which these individuals stand.” [Grundrisse] Basis of domination and the struggle to end it is the determination of the dominant classes to extract maximum products of labor of the subject classes.

The latest antagonists are the common people and the global capitalism. The working class that is the common people are the revolutionary forces today. What does working class or proletariat mean? Marx writes in the Poverty of Philosophy, “Economic conditions had first transformed the people of the country into workers. The domination of the capital has created for this mass a common situation, a common interest. This mass is thus already a class as against capital, but not yet for itself. In the struggle this mass gets united, and constitutes itself as a class for itself. The interest it defends becomes class interest. Comprehension of the collective interest of the class as a whole to which one belongs is the consciousness of the class interest that makes the working class from a class in itself into the class for itself.

The above Marxist analysis of class and class conflict is predominantly based on the development of capitalism in the developed capitalist countries. But the colonial intervention and dominance of foreign capital exceedingly distorted, qualitatively and quantitatively, the development of capitalism in Third World/developing countries.

Marx and Engels termed the bourgeois consciousness as ideology in the sense of false consciousness, through its ideologues as it presents the sectoral, class interest and class ideas as universal. These spokespersons of the dominant classes try to persuade the subordinate classes about the universal validity of these class-bound ideas and ideals, generally under TINA syndrome, as universally true and essential for the maintenance of the social order. They themselves and those whom they speak to, deeply believe in this universal and final truth and hence will vigorously fight for them.

Working Class is a universal class, as the “previous historical movements have been movements of minorities, or in the interest of minorities. The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority”. “The communist revolution is the most radical rupture with the traditional property relations” and “with traditional ideas”[CM]
What this class consciousness is in reference to the working class? In Marxist parlance it means an understanding that the emancipation of proletariat and hence liberation of the whole society, the human emancipation, require the overthrow of capitalism along with its ideas and ideals. The will and preparedness to overthrow is its logical corollary. It is revolutionary in the sense of its radical rupture.

No set ideas or ideals, ‘communists do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mold the proletarian movement.’ The workers ‘have no ready made utopian to introduce’ and ‘have no ideals to realize but to set free the elements of new society with which the old collapsing bourgeois society’ [GI] Those who treat Marxism is as a cult robs the concept its dynamic nature of its character as constantly changing process that is not unilinear. It is susceptible to not only progress but also to regress. There are no irreversible formulas. It is an objective understanding of the social order and what to do about it. Historically it has been full of tensions, contradictions, open questions, possibilities of errors and regression.

It means a commitment to the revolutionary transformation of the society, internalization of the need to achieve that ‘most radical rupture’. It is not a definite set of ideas but a perspective. In times when the class struggle nears a decisive hour a section of ruling class and particularly a section of its ideologues who have raised themselves to the level of theoretically comprehending the historical movement as a whole.’ The middle class, petty bourgeoisie and peasant are against capitalism to save their existence from extinction, try to roll back the wheel of the history so they are unwilling allies, allies, nevertheless.

Let us march together, for the transformation of working class in itself into class for itself and shout with Karl Marx : WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE.
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मार्क्स की आवाज़

दुनिया बदलेगी ही
बदलने वाला चाहिए
लोग सुनेंगे ही
सुनाने वाला चाहिए
आइए मिलकर देखें
गोरख पांडेय की आँखों में
तकलीफ का उमडता हुआ समंदर
और उनके सुर में सुर मिलाकर
गुहार करें
"इस दुनिया को जितनी जल्दी हो बदल डालो"
दुनिया बदलेगी ही
आइए इंक़िलाबी नारों को इतना बुलंद करें
कि दब जाए लूट-पाट का शोर
जन चेतना की गर्जन से
रफू-चक्कर हो जाएँगे
बुश-ब्लेयर सरीखे सारे जंगखोर
तब आएगी एक नई भोर

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

किसका लोकतंत्र

कौन सा लोकतंत्र किसका लोकतंत्र
लोकतंत्र पूँजीवाद का लूटतंत्र है
यह जो कहता कभी न करता
जो करता है कभी नहीं कहता
अमरीका ने दुनिया लूटा
राष्ट्रभक्ति का राग अलापा
कार्पोरेट के चरण पखारता
लाल रंग पे खोया आपा
मजलूमो पर कहर बरपाता
जो न माने उसका आदेश
आ जाता है उसको तैश
भेजता बेड़े हथियारों से लैश
लोकतंत्र का धरता भेष
जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस
जो भी उसको दे ना तेल
कर देता वह उसका खेल
गुअंतोनमो है ऐसी जेल
करती सबकी रेलमपेल
जो नहीं है उसके साथी
वह तो पक्का आतंकवादी
दिखलाता का साम्यवाद का डर
बनवाता कठमुल्ला कैडर
मार दिए लाखों इंशान
कहे इसे अमरीका की शान

Monday, May 2, 2011


On the martyrdom of Com. Azad

Com. AZAD! Lal Salam
Lal Salam Lal Salm
Lal Lal Salam
Com. Azad Lal Salam

Civility introduces duality;
One wants to look, what one is not.
It causes the eternal contradiction of civilization:
the contradiction of the essence and the appearance.

The civility needs polity
to protect the person and property;
Kills the have-nots on behest of haves
and calls it national interest.

It cowardly kills in cold blood
And calls it encounter
Kills the tribals for the profit of Tata
Calls it development of Kalionganagar

Civility is divine:
The chosen few got the right to appropriate:
appropriate the wealth of nature,
And the duty to civilize the wretched of the earth.

Civilizing needs leisure and gainfully unemployment,
It needed masters to civilize slaves; feudal lords to serfs and capitalists to
the proletariats.
It needed Aristotles; Charlemagnes; Adam Smiths; Daniel Bells and Fukoyamas.
It also needed Julius Ceasers; Clive Lloyds; Hitlers and Mussolinies;l Bushes
and Blairs.

Civilization is man-made and not the woman-made, so is patriarchal;
Women are not part of it but just conditions.
They are not partners of the men but only the objects of their lust;
Not the creator of creativity but only means to produce future civilizers.

Lord Clive came to India to civilize us;
The enlightened sections of our ruling classes joined his civilizing mission.
The challenge to mission by the unenlightened sections – the peasants and the
soldiers -- moved by their affinity to nativity, was crushed.
Was crushed by the lovers of the new mission – the Scindhias; the Peshwas; the
Nizams; the Sikhs ……..

Spartacus – a slave—waged a war against the civilization in the Roman Republic.
It shook the foundations of the civilization but was crushed buy the forces of
The slain rebels were scalped with the trees from Rome to Capua to warn the
future enemies of the civilization.
The colonial civilizers followed the footstep of their Roman predecessors.

The mission of Lord Clive is complete: India is mostly civilized.
There is no more any need of Lord Clive’s physical presence.
All the Sirajuddaulas also have turned into Mir Zafars --
The Raos and Gaudas; Bajpayees and Manmohans; Budhas and Navins, in nutshell
Montek Singh Sahluwallia and Montek Singh Ahluwallia..

Let us join the enemies of civilization on global scale;
Let’s promote Dalit assertion and scholarship; feminist assertion and
scholarship and support peoples revolutionary movements world over.

Let’s join the Spartacuses and vow to destroy this civilization.
Let’s join the rebellions of Kalinganagar; Jagatsinghpur, Niyamgiri,
Narayanpatna, Dantewada, Kaushambi……

Com. Azad was a communist with a vision to end this civilzation ;
establish a new one free from subjugation and exploitation;
a civilization with the impossibility of expolitation of man by man;
of realization of creative potentialities by all;
in nutshell a civilization of human emancipation.

As a tarined technocrate, he could have joined a corporate
and become Chidambaram;
He could have joined world bank and become Manmohan;
He could have joined CPI(M) and become Budhadeb;
but he made a well thought decision to become AZAD
and lay his life in the cause of humanity and democracy.

Com Azad! LAL SALAM!!
you have joined the galaxy of the long list of martyres
whoi laid their lives for the cause of the humanity and hence the truth
you are the latest in the sequence of Spartacus to Gallelio;
Brsa Munda to Udham Singh; Bhagat Singh, Christopher Cordwell to Che Guera;
Charu Mazumdar to Pash, Maan and AZAD.

The posterity -- the people: the tribals and dalits; the workers and the
peasants shall fulfill the unfinished task of revolution. ....
And that is the law of the dialectics of nature;
Revolution in inevitable......

The flame that was sparked off at Naxalbari over 4 decades ago;
would and must engulf the entire nation;
Bearers of this torch of revolutionary flame are pervading the world
from Dantewada to Narayan Patna; from nandigram to Lalgarh;
from Kalinaganagar to Kaushambi.........

The enemy is desperate and united;
they own the Shastras( weapons) and the Shaastras) on the peoples' cost;
unable to kill the ideas they have begun to kill the individuals and massacre
the people who bear the ideas:
whether it is Niyogi or Azad; peasnats of nandsigram, Nrayanpatna or

The killers are worried and bewildered;
people have stopped fearing the death;
they are ready to die but not retreat, kalinganagar showed the way
Nandigram followed

The flow of the radical streams joining into a river must and shall get
And the oaring flow of this river shall be unstoppable by the CRPF type straws
of Chidambarams and Manmohans.


We all are professional intellectuals in Gramcian sense, none of us are professional revolutionary in Leninist terminology. We earn our livelihood by intellectual labor as in a class society, particularly in bourgeois society that has in Marx's words, simplified the class division into 2 hostile camps facing each other, we are condemned to do some alienated labor, of course under the control in the direction of the self-interested owners of the means of labor. We do have particular objective power to work but do not own means of labor means of labor. Bourgeoisie could acquire center-space on the foundation laid by it's organic intellectuals and unceasingly continues to create and recreate them to sustain and enhance it's class-interests -- Hobbes, Lock. Adam Smith,.......... Fukuyama. Working class does not have it's own organic intellectuals, some of professional intellectuals, who can comprehend, articulate and express the class interests of workers, become their organic intellectuals, like knowledge and class-struggle, , this too is an on-going process. In my own assessment, I am a comfortably placed (now),in socio-economic terms; a democratic & conscientious teacher in continuous endeavor of comprehending and aligning with the class interests of the oppressed within the limits of my political and intellectual capacity.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

मई दिवस

आज अंतराश्ट्रीय मजदूर दिवस है
दुहारायेंगे संकल्प आज
सारी दुनिया हमारी है
हम मेहनतकशो ने इसे बनाई है
देश न कोई मजदूर का होता
शर्मायेदारो ने खोदी खाई है
दुनिया के मजदूरों एक हो
तोड़ना है बेडिया गुलामी की
मिलकर लड़ना बड़ी लड़ाई है
बौखला गया है दुश्मन
देख हमारी अंगडाई
भाग रहा जंगल की ओर
सामत उसकी आई है
कब्र बनेगी जंगल में उनकी
खोदना गहरी खाई है
मजदूर-किसानो एक हो
आगे बड़ी लड़ाई है.