Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Socialism and Democracy

This mass genocide is all impeialist propaganda. Firstly Stalin and Mao can not be placed on the samw pedastal because both were confronting different situations. Genocide is Bhopal and other such mass killings, so many innocent people are being killed and raped by Indian Armed forces everyday in northeast, kashmir,Chattisgarh, Orissa; so many innocent academicians, intellectuals, writers and commoners were killed, tortured, maimed, imprisoned by US armed forces in the spat of "red scare" and 'red hunting' (green Hunt is planned on the same pattern. Millions of civilians are killed in Iraq and Afganistan by Us and NATO occupation forces, scores of Pakistanis are being killed almost everyday by US Drons in Balochistan and north west Frontier Province. These are genocides. Well some excesses were done by Stalin in the name of consolidating the gains of socialism in USSR surrounded by hostile imperialist forces. Had Stalin been visionary like Lenin many such things could have been avoided. Nothing of the sort happened in Mao's Chinma, that is happening now in liberalised China. Capitalism is world system based on domination and exploitation where as socialism is a world system based on equality and fraternity. Russian and Chines revolutions were jolts on capitalism whose history runs into 500 years and has been errected by entombing millions and has not been able to prove its superiority. History of experiments in socialism is not even 100 years, more over transition from feudalism to capitalism was transition from one class society to another clas society. Transitiuon from capitalism to socialism is qualitatively different kind of transition from a class society to a classless society, for which no time table can be fixed. Let us continue our bit in the progress of human history and in the continuing class struggle by our words and deeds.

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