Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fourth International

Com Zulfi! Its dialectical law of historical progress as to 'certain stege' of the development of social production corresponds a 'certain level of conciousness' contiually being inFormation of the First International, in the aftermath of the 148 French Revolution and subsequent ascendence of Bonapartism was a great, historic event.It highlighted the need of a classless society and disinegrated under its own contradictions between Marx and the anarchists, particularly Bakunin. it did perform its historic role. The social democrates in second international could not transcend the contradiction between nationalism and imperialism and succumbed to the naist pressure during the imperialist war after its historic role of highlighting the ant-war issues and exposing the imperialist charecter of the war.And Third International degenerated into a hegemonic tool of CPSU bureacracy, more particularly in the wake and aftermath of the second world War. Neverthe less Commintern acomplished its historic task of spreading the ideology of Communism.
Now in the 'globalization' atege of finance capital which is entirely global in the sense that it is not geocentric eithe in terms of the origin or investment. With our experiences of the past 3 internationals ( the 4th founded by Trotsky failed to get wider acknowledgement), Lets us found the Fourth International that does not break untill the acomplishment of its historic role of world socialism that eventually paves the way for the withering away of the states.

I am quite optimistic about it. Lal Salam Com. tervened and coerced by ideological aooaratuses of the state, as Marx said, "the ruling class ideas are the ruling aideas also.

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